In 1kg
Live yeast culture …………………………………….. 200g
Etc. (Cinnamon essential oil)…………………………… 50g
Calves and Growing Cattle:
- Prevention of diarrhea
- Improve the quality of meat, strengthen the immune system and the digestive rate
- Promote growth and improve feed efficiency.
Dairy cow :
- Decrease in somatic cell count
- Increase flow rate, appetite, immunity and energy supply
- Improve feed efficiency
Duck :
- Promote digestion
- Prevent diarrhea
- Improve growth rate and feed efficiency.
- Increase immunity,
2kg /ton of feed
● Store under dry and dark conditions.
● Follow the veterinarians' instructions and store
the product well.
● Also, do not use to milking cows which are approaching the dry period,
and cows which are less than 5 days after delivery.