In 1kg
Ampicillin Hydrate ………………………………………. 200g
Prevention and treatment of bacterial diseases
susceptible to Ampicillin
Calf: 2~7.5g/100kg
of body weight
Swine: 0.25~1g/10kg
of body weight
Chicken: 0.5~1g/10kg
of body weight
● Withdrawal period: cattle, swine 5 days, poultry 3 days
● Store at room temperature (1~30 °C) and under dark, dry condition.
● Do not use in animals that have demonstrated shock or sensitivity to the product, Penicillin antibiotics.
● Penicillin antibiotics can cause diarrhea by inhibiting of the normal bacterial flora.
Also, these can lead to disorders of the digestive system such as stomach pain, lack of appetite,
watery diarrhea or bloody stool, nausea and vomiting by colitis and gastroenteritis.
● If using penicillin antibiotics with overdose, it may cause nervous system abnormality
or hepatotoxicity such as convulsion, seizure.
● Do not use with Macrolide (Erythromycin), Aminoglycoside, Chloramphenicol and Tetracycline antibiotics.
● Gentamycin, Bromelain, Probenecid can increase this medicine’s effect.
● Do not use to milking cows.
● Do not use to chickens while laying eggs